Shopping Plan: Get Cash Back While You Shop!

Shopping Plan: Get Cash Back While You Shop!

Do you like to earn cash back while you spend money? Consider using a cashback app to do it.

The hustle and bustle accompanying holiday shopping can be exhilarating for some. Yet, for those of us who can’t get with the long lines, the occasional bumping and pushing during the race to beat the crowd to that great deal, or the vast choices associated with online shopping, maybe we need to get something while we give something cash back, yeah cash back!

Shopping for the holidays or any day can be anxiety-ridden. And sometimes downright intimidating. If you are one of those people, like me, who don’t like the time it takes to shop for others but do it out of love or necessity, there is a way to make it more bearable.

Try making money while you spend money! Use a money-making app that offers a rewards program for spending! I decided to benefit from my gift shopping by using one called Rakuten.

I was initially skeptical, but after talking with a trusted friend who uses the app regularly, I let go of my trepidation and tried it. And guess what?

Yes! I made money while I spent money, and you can too!
Receiving cashback was a great incentive to shop during the holidays and any day.

I started by downloading the app to my phone and commenced shopping. The app offers categories for shopping that save time figuring out where to shop. It also finds coupons you can add to your purchase at a vendor store.

With a list of everyone I needed to shop for and my spending budget, I was able to get my shopping done in an organized way while racking up cashback bonuses along the way.

So, how do you get the cashback for all your hard work (wink wink)? Rakuten will send you a check or use PayPal to get you paid once a quarter for doing what you need to do anyway.

You may wonder how much cash I made from my online shopping trip.
I shopped at 12 stores, and although they were all accessible through Rakuten, I received cash back from only 11 of them. Ultimately, I got 12% cash back on my total spent after using coupon codes that the app found available then.

I only spent what was in my budget for the entire gifting season. Since Rakuten gets a commission for referring you to a store, they give you money in return.

My running cash back balance was about 12% of my spending total. You may think this is not a lot of money, but considering I was going to spend it anyway, I think it’s good.

To learn more about the possibility of cashback shopping through Rakuten, people can learn about them at

Something I do to help any shopping venture to be less stressful with or without the use of coupon and cashback apps:

1. Break it down into bite-sized chunks. Instead of doing it all at the last minute, it stresses you less and allows you to enjoy the process!
2. Start sooner rather than later so last-minute shopping doesn’t throw you. Add shopping dates in your planner so you control your time better.
3. Decide how much you can afford to spend according to your budget or spending plan for essential, fixed, variable, and discretionary spending. Overspending and wrecking your budget isn’t the goal.
4. Make a list of who or what you want to shop for to avoid unintended or unnecessary purchases.
Enjoy your shopping experience!


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